- PR and media full-service agency
- Specialization in luxury / fashion brands
- Grand openings, launch of new brands in the Czech market
- Organization of luxury events and parties-creative concept, production, guests, celebrity & VIP guests, PR
- Organization of press events, press trips and press conferences
- Organization of PR articles, photo-shootings, cover shoots, product placement
- Excellent, long-term relations with important editors in chief, fashion editors and journalists from all key fashion, lifestyle and business media
- Cooperation with stylists
- Organizer and co-producer of Unique Fashion Week in Prague and Prague Fashion Night
- Over 20 years in luxury fashion business we have built a great social network: personal contacts and a very extensive database of key clients, celebrities, influential politicians, social and trendsetting elite, including links to the affluent Russian community in Prague
- Unparalleled opportunities / possibilities thanks to aur network of contacts
- Skilled champion PR team, high quality long-term cooperation
- Communication with headquarters of international brands, strategie planning and reporting
- Barbora Bergová – director of BB MEDIA CONSULTING – in fashion business since 1999